Type 9

Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Individuals with Type 9 personality have a fundamental motivation/main orientation of "integrating with the environment in peace and harmony."

Positive Traits:

They have a harmonious, calm, and patient nature. With their mediator qualities, they soften conflict situations and exhibit conciliatory attitudes. In their relationships, they are harmonious, calm individuals who do not create problems and resolve issues through dialogue and compromise. They strive to do their part in relationships and approach others with tolerance. They try to look at events from all perspectives and have strong empathy skills. They are non-judgmental.

Open to Negativity:

Instead of rejecting unwanted things, they may exhibit passive-aggressive, stubborn attitudes and resist. They may be too attached to their comfort and postpone what needs to be done and their responsibilities. Although generally harmonious, they may sometimes experience unexpected outbursts of anger. They may have difficulty saying no to maintain harmony.

General Characteristics:

They are calm, harmonious, peaceful, relaxed, and patient individuals. They dislike arguments and conflicts. Their moderate, calm nature dominates their relationships, and they do not want to hurt others or engage in behaviors that would cause conflict.

They value peace and tranquility and want it to prevail in all aspects of their lives, leading them to exhibit conciliatory and harmonious behaviors. They try to adapt to their environment in their attitudes and behaviors, are not very insistent on their desires and expectations, and may even give them up to maintain peace/harmony. Generally, preserving harmony is more important to them than achieving their desires.

Generally shy, Type 9s prefer to stay behind and listen in new environments. As they get used to the environment, their shyness decreases, and they find it easier to express themselves. Unless necessary, they do not intervene in conflicts and problems around them and strive to be peaceful and constructive when they are present.

They prefer to have a certain order and routine in their lives and relationships. When they get used to a routine, they work more efficiently and actively, and they do not want the routine to be disrupted. Routine ensures their steady work and movement, and they struggle to adapt when the order is disrupted. They may have difficulty continuing when they take a break from what they started.

They are not hasty types; they act more dignified and calm, which can lead to them being perceived as "inactive, slow" by their surroundings.

For Type 9s, physical comfort is more important than for many others. They have a tendency to be inactive and lazy. They wait for an external stimulus to take action.

They generally remain unresponsive to reactive, confrontational, coercive, and negative behaviors. If the situation becomes very uncomfortable, they withdraw into their shells and express their reactions with passive-aggressive behavior. When they are very stressed or forced to do things they do not want to do, they may feel angry inwardly. Although they generally behave patiently without showing their anger, they may rarely - even surprising themselves - experience sudden outbursts of anger.

They Can't Easily Say "No":

They are people who bring peace to their relationships and reassure others. Their efforts to behave harmoniously are reasons why people are drawn to them. They use phrases like "you know best, whatever you want" instead of words like "no." They are afraid of being rejected, cannot express their desires, and expect to be noticed.

They have an optimistic outlook and try to evaluate events positively. They do not like abstract, complex thoughts; they lean towards concrete, positive, and constructive thoughts. Their tendency to ignore optimistic perspectives and negative, pessimistic thoughts sometimes leads them to escape problems. They can behave dreamily and turn their backs on problems. They may not take action, believing that problems will be resolved "somehow," and may postpone problems.

When they need to make an important decision, they try to evaluate everything and do not rush. Although they sometimes reach clear and rational decisions, they may sometimes avoid making decisions.

They Want a Peaceful Family Environment:

Type 9s desire a peaceful family environment where tolerance prevails, unity is achieved, and conflicts are resolved peacefully.

They want problems to be solved gracefully and for family members to behave acceptingly and harmoniously towards each other, and they act accordingly.

They dislike conflicts within the family and strive to improve the situation by playing a reconciliatory role. They respect everyone's views and thoughts, try to be harmonious even in the face of views and thoughts they do not approve of, and try not to give obstructive, harsh reactions.

They determine their desires and are not insistent on them according to the situation and opportunity; they do not want to inconvenience their families. If they cannot achieve the harmony they expect from their families, they may withdraw and behave distantly.

Generally Liked by Their Friends:

In their social lives, they are usually calm, harmonious individuals. They try to establish friendships where they feel comfortable and peaceful and stay away from rude, arrogant people. They treat their friends with respect and acceptance, try to be non-offensive, and avoid being hurtful.

They may act shy when entering new environments, but once familiar with them, they become relaxed, outgoing, and cheerful. They are generally liked by their friends. They not only avoid getting into conflicts with their friends but also feel quite uncomfortable being caught between arguing friends. If such a situation arises, they try to soften the atmosphere with reconciliatory and peaceful attitudes.

They value the requirements of social life and strive to adhere to rules.

They Become Harmonious Partners:

Type 9s desire a relationship where peace and tranquility prevail, mutual harmony and tolerance are achieved, conflicts are absent, and unity is established. They are individuals who do not cause problems in their relationships, try to be harmonious with their partners, and are gentle and patient.

When making decisions or doing something, they consider their partners, and try not to do things that would disrupt the peace. They neither intervene in their partners' lives nor do they want it for themselves.

They try not to be judgmental or critical of their partners and make efforts to understand them. They exhibit constructive attitudes, refrain from being resentful easily, and rarely hold grudges. They may ignore problems and behave as if they do not exist.

If faced with judgmental, critical attitudes from their partners, they remain silent and generally do not react. However, if this situation continues, they may experience unexpected outbursts of anger. If Type 9s accumulate anger or negative feelings towards their partners without expressing them, it can lead to significant problems in their relationships. Conflicts and arguments can make them behave coldly and distantly.

When they achieve the harmony they expect in their relationships and feel valued, they become relaxed, energetic, cheerful, and confident.

They Are Calm and Shy Children:

In their childhood, Type 9s are also calm, conflict-avoidant individuals. They consider the world to be a difficult, demanding, and heavy place. They may feel overwhelmed and believe they do not belong to such an environment.

They are attached to both parents and emulate them. There may be times when they feel unappreciated.

Nine Types

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