Enneagram: Good Nature vs. Bad Nature - Does It Exist?

Enneagram: Good Nature vs. Bad Nature - Does It Exist?

In the Enneagram system, everyone is born with a temperament, and changing this temperament is not possible. One question that often comes to mind is, "Is there such a thing as a good temperament or a bad temperament?" or "Which temperament is the best?" In reality, there is no such thing as one temperament being superior, good, or valuable compared to others. Each temperament has its own unique characteristics and value.

If we were to think of temperaments like seeds; each temperament is like a separate seed, and each has its own predetermined program, just like knowing it will grow into a green apple. The personality of this apple/person is dependent on the conditions it grows in. Everyone plants the same seed, but not everyone gets the same quality of product; some turn out healthy and desirable, while others may be flawed and unusable. Temperaments are similar; their basic motivations, perception styles, and tendencies are predetermined, but they develop differently depending on environmental, cultural, and other conditions.

Every temperament has three main states: healthy, unhealthy, and average. The best and most efficient state for a temperament is the healthy state. In this state, the temperament exhibits its best qualities, and the person is at their best level. At unhealthy levels, the person exhibits the negative aspects of their temperament. As one moves from the healthy to the unhealthy level, negative traits become more prominent, and bad behaviors emerge.

Returning to our question, we can explain it better this way: consider two fruits, an apple and an orange. Can we say that an apple is better than an orange? No. Both have different benefits and nutritional values. The higher level of vitamin C in oranges does not make them better than apples because apples have other nutritional values that are better than oranges. Temperament types are similar; each temperament has its own superior qualities and potentials. The important thing is to reach the healthy level by utilizing this potential.

Every temperament has a different place in the world, complementing each other. In some places, analytical intelligence is important, while in others, emotional intelligence is crucial. This doesn't devalue analytical or emotional intelligence; each has its own place, and each is indispensable in this world.

Here's to recognizing your potential and finding your place in the world.

Nine Types

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