Type 6

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist (Overview)

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist (Overview)

General Characteristics

Type 6 people are very loyal but also tend to question the people and institutions they are loyal to.

They are cautious and constantly vigilant against potential dangers.

Their tendency to constantly question everything stems from being constantly on guard against potential threats.

They often anticipate potential dangers before others do.

They are inclined to imagine and worry about negative scenarios, focusing heavily on worst-case possibilities.

They are reliable individuals who place great importance on trust. While they are very loyal and sincere to those they trust, they approach unfamiliar people with skepticism and scrutiny.

They value their responsibilities and try to act accordingly, being sensitive to societal rules.

They seek a reliable and correct authority figure and tend to follow such authority.

They aspire to dedicate themselves to important causes.

They value their independence and desire to belong to a community while also wanting to preserve their independence.

They observe people's behaviors and, if they detect inconsistency, they tend to avoid relationships with those individuals.


Reliable and loyal

Logical and thoughtful

Adaptive and moderate

Rule-abiding and team-oriented

Inquisitive and detail-oriented


Skeptical and anxious

Pessimistic and risk-averse

Dependent and prejudiced

Resistance to innovation

Nine Types

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